Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. (2 Corinthians 9:6, NIV)
How do we take the resources God has made available to us and manage them responsibly? I'm sure you are aware of the current financial crisis our country is in. Let's look at one familiar aspect of it, real estate, and see what it shows us about our attitude towards money.
Before WWII, down payments as large as 40% for home purchases were common. After the war, times were good, credit was available, 20% down became the norm. It stayed that way for quite a while. In the mid-1970's hyperinflation hit. Because of very high interest rates, folks couldn't afford 20%. Standards were lowered to allow 10% down with mortgage insurance in case of default. The standards were gradually lowered, from 5 to 3 to 0% down. It didn't end there. Interest only loans, optional payment loans where your balance goes up if you choose not to make a payment, cash out refinances became common.
Why such an appetite for risk? A higher standard of living of course. Spend less on bigger homes and free up cash to spend elsewhere. Worry about paying for it later. What was the side effect of this? Total consumer credit debt not including real estate in 1968 was $8Billion adjusted to today's dollars. Today it is $2.5Trillion. Is our standard of living 300 times higher today than it was 40 years ago?
The presidential election is of course coming up, where we're told Americans vote their pocketbook or wallet. What does this mean? This means to me that money is ultimately the no.1 consideration for the average American when voting. Why are we so anxious about holding onto our money? Simple you say, "I earned it. I worked hard. It's mine." Unfortunately this attitude is not very biblical.
God said in Psalm 50, "The world is mine and everything in it."
Jesus said in John 15, "If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing."
What is the extension of this concept? Everything you have is on loan to you by the grace of God. You don't own it at all. As stewards, you are called to manage the property under your care according to God's wishes, not yours. God's vision consists of sharing, giving freely to those in need, and to further the work of his gathered people by supporting the church, not to use our wealth to hoard for our own personal gain. Good stewards take what God has granted them and use it in a prudent and non-wasteful manner.
When you decide on a level of giving to your church, how do you do it? Do you start by adding up all of your expenses, including entertainment, dining, vacations, car payments, cable bill, cell phone bill, lawn service, maid service - you know - all the necessities - and then ask how much is left over, and then carve out a portion for your church giving? Or, do you start by surveying the great abundance that God has given you to use, thankfully acknowledge his generosity, and respond in kind, helping the church to continue and further its kingdom work?
Does this mean re-assessing priorities and spending habits, including learning to separate necessities from luxuries? Does this mean taking a leap of faith, radically trusting God in the face of uncertain economic and political times? Does this mean totally revamping the way you determine your giving level compared to how you've done it in years past? All very possible.
As responsible Christian stewards, if we are willing to take all that God has graciously offered us to use in our day-to-day lives, we should do no less. A more responsible household budget grounded in sound biblical principles will give you ample room for charitable giving while reducing the anxiety our consumerist society causes. This is the attitude we should embrace when deciding how to return to the Lord what we have taken from the his bounty.
pray to you Lord, to make a change in me. Make me free to share my resources in a significant way to further the work of the church. Make me free from the greed that permeates our society, where "looking out for number one" is the motto. Make me free from anxiety when tumultuous economic times cause fear, and instead trust that you will provide for those who love and serve you. Make us together a more faithful body of stewards, following the example of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen
The picture is from the painting Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, who did not want to give up all he had and give to the poor. The artist is Heinrich Hofmann (1824-1911). This was painted in 1889 and now resides in the famous Riverside Church in New York City.
Contributed by David
Sunday October 12, 2008
Liturgical Year A Week 46
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 28 (Proper 23)
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost