Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
Psalm 31:3
My husband and I love to travel. God has blessed us with sufficient health and wealth to make it possible to take such trips as the three week one we took to Austria in September. Our visit there this year was divided between the classical music festival in Salzburg, the international Haydntage classical music festival in Eisenstadt, and eleven days basking in the spectacular beauty of the Salzkammergut lake district.
While in Eisenstadt, we attended mass at the Bergkirche (city church), the former church of the Esterhazy family. While serving as the music director for the Esterhazy court, Franz Joseph Haydn wrote many masses for services held in this church. His Theresienmesse (St. Theresa Mass in B major) premiered at this church. On the Sunday we worshiped there, it was sung and played by the church's choir and orchestra.
Haydn wrote this mass to be used as part of a church service - not as a concert piece with applause. That is, the music was written to be used to praise God rather than as a performance where musicians are recognized for their abilities. At the Bergkirche, it was presented, as intended by Hayden, in praise of God.
Knowing the pattern for the sections of the music of the mass, the text of Latin words, and the order for the spoken portions of the liturgical mass, it was easy for me to appreciate the meaning of the music in its intended form as part of a worship service.
The priest of the church was a pleasant, young man who made us feel very welcome. However, I must confess that during his sermon, delivered in German, I found I was very much at a loss due to my limited knowledge of the language. I could only understand a small portion of what he was saying. So, during that portion of the mass, I focused instead upon the visual art of the church.
Studying the painting behind the main altar, I found this piece of art speaking directly to me. It showed Jesus in heaven welcoming a huge line of pilgrims who had completed their earthly travels. Jesus was embracing them one at a time. Yes, being welcomed to heaven by Jesus must certainly be the ultimate destination point for a trip!
Jesus, thank you for guidance in how to plan and carry out the trip I make during my days on earth. I pray that I will follow your directions and not lose my way so that I can, like the pilgrims in the painting, feel your welcoming arms around me when my journey has reached its planned destination. Amen
About the photo:
On the left is the Bergkirche (city church) in Eisenstadt, Austria. Below Bergkirche's north tower (to the left of the entrance) in Eisenstadt is the mausoleum of Josef Haydn, donated by Prince Paul Esterhäzy in 1932 on the occasion of the bicentary of Haydn's birth (Haydn was buried in Vienna, but his remains were later transferred to Eisenstadt).
Contributed by Nancy
Sunday November 2, 2008
Liturgical Year A Week 49
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 31 (Proper 26)
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost