
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord, my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever    Psalm 30: 11-12 (KJV)

Gratitude, according to Henry Ward Beecher, is "the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." The word is derived from the Latin gratus, meaning pleasing or agreeable. It implies that a gift has been freely given, an offering of something beautiful, joyful, or harmonious for which thankfulness is in order. It also suggests an amiable relationship between the giver and the recipient: an attitude of appreciation, respect, and often tenderness as well.

Gratitude does not always appear in such glowing colors, though. Sometimes it is just a cover for darkness. For example, a heavy-laden gratitude can trudge wearily around in endless circles, trying in vain to please the critic who is always demanding thankfulness in return for services rendered. Or a defeated gratitude can limp along in misery, its clothes torn to shreds by its own painful barbs of anxiety, guilt, and despair, endeavoring to be thankful but unable to quite accomplish it. By contrast, a patronizing gratitude can sashay about in elegant gowns of the finest silk and satin, eager to make a good impression, but its disingenuous compliments mask its real sentiments of boredom or disdain. A devious gratitude can tiptoe quietly in, dressed in ordinary garb and seemingly whispering the truth in kindness, yet its whole feeling springs not out of thankfulness but rather out of a desire for attention or control. Or a light-hearted gratitude can dance happily about, wrapped in cloud-like gauze, well meaning but superficial, as in thankfulness tossed out upon request only to dissipate the next day.

Real gratitude cannot coexist with anger or guilt, or walk the path of hypocrisy, lies, and deceit. It is neither wispy nor worn. It is full of warmth and vitality, yet straightforward, simple, and serene. It does not keep company with entitlement, greed, or envy, but is content with the blessings it receives, treating all as unmerited gifts and never yearning for more or better ones. Like happiness, it appears spontaneously and cannot be demanded or produced at will. It can only be tended and encouraged, as one would care for a little potted plant, and eventually it will bloom effortlessly.

There are many ways to nurture gratitude, but all of them involve becoming more attentive to the breadth and depth of our everyday experiences, whatever they may be. If every encounter is automatically prejudged, categorized, and quickly processed, then it is no wonder our days are not overflowing with thanksgiving. But if we focus on the richness of the present moment and all the positive elements it contains, then our lives will be imbued with new vitality, beauty, and meaning, and feelings of gratitude will flourish.

Even when we are faced with distressing events like the death of loved ones, when the enormity of our loss threatens to block our ability to see anything good in the situation, we can still be thankful for many things: joyful memories of their time with us; the legacy they left and the contributions they made to the world; their release from suffering; the wisdom, courage, and care of those who tended them; the opportunity for closer communication with our friends and family; the comforting words and gestures they offer us; the soothing and healing qualities of music, art, literature, and nature in such times of need; a heightened awareness of the meaning of life and a renewed commitment to live more intentionally; the energy, will, and faith to transform a tragedy into forgiveness, compassion, and encouragement of others similarly afflicted, to name only a few.

On the other hand, when life offers us warm relationships and joyful experiences, the risk is more that we take these gifts for granted. Our feelings of thankfulness can acquire depth and fullness if we attend more consciously to these moments of grace in all their manifold aspects. For example, when listening to music, we might think of the brilliance of the composition; the artistry and technique of the performers; the beauty of their instruments; as well as our own capacity to hear and respond with our intellect, imagination, and feeling. We can also appreciate the way the music unites us with our fellow listeners, reflects the historical period and culture that inspired it, lends depth to other art forms, and connects us with the sounds of the natural world. And that is only the beginning!

There really is no end to the blessings we receive. They rain down on us continually, night and day. We have only to attend to them, appreciate their value, and out of that fullness of heart, express our deepest, most sincere gratitude.

While we dare not close our eyes and ears to the injustice, suffering, and violence that continually command our attention, help us to open ourselves to the beauty, truth, and goodness that live in their midst. May we live in the knowledge that all life is a miracle and every day holds the possibility for joy and enchantment. Then out of gratitude for the blessings that you so freely and abundantly bestow upon us, may we find ways to enrich the lives of others

Contributed by Diane
Sunday January 13, 2008
Liturgical Year A Week 7
Sunday Gospel reading:
Baptism of Our Lord