
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.   (Ephesians 4:1-3, KJV)

Respect for human differences has long been a central tenet of our faith. Our shared commitment to social justice rejects discrimination based on such parameters as race, religion, or national origin, and insists that all people have certain basic unalienable rights. One of the ways we try to put these beliefs into action is through a wide variety of social service and humanitarian relief programs. In order to be most effective, we make an effort to communicate directly with the people the programs are intended to help, to learn their particular needs and perspectives. We try to find ways to "walk in their shoes," to immerse ourselves in their society and culture so that we can understand in greater depth the entire situation. Initiatives such as international exchanges, hunger and poverty simulation workshops, community development projects, and service trips abroad all may provide opportunities to develop such awareness and skills.

When we stop thinking globally, however, and turn instead to the most elementary "grass-roots level," to the individuals right in our immediate vicinity, in our homes and workplaces, for instance, our attitudes may be different. In these contexts, we may not be quite so tolerant of human differences in behavior, particularly if another's actions annoy or frustrate us; not quite so ready to genuinely listen to opposing views or private concerns, especially if they seem to interfere with our own; not quite so prepared to immerse ourselves in their world in order to understand it better, if it feels completely alien to our own. Perhaps none of these people are lacking in the "basics," but their needs are nevertheless real to them; and their opinions, values, and ideas, no less important.

With regard to temperament and gender differences, in particular, we seem to have a tendency to cast opposing styles in a negative light, emphasizing their weaknesses while ignoring the strengths. For example, people inclined to emphasize feelings may be called overly emotional or irrational by those who do not. Likewise, those favoring a logical approach may be disparaged by their opposites as insensitive or disrespectful of the "human element." People who like to focus on the facts, on the reality in front of them, may be seen as unimaginative or rigid by others who do not share their perspective. Meanwhile, those who have a more intuitive bent, who look for underlying meanings and possibilities, may be considered muddled, vague, or simply impossible to understand. People who value being prompt and decisive may find themselves at odds with those who like to proceed slowly and keep their options open, each one disparaging the opposite approach. In fact, all these approaches are valid and useful, and all people need to feel their perspectives are understood and their contributions valued.

Perhaps such personal needs do not seem so significant in the scheme of things, or the right to personal style so crucial. Yet, such personality and gender differences are often a major source of conflict among people who are in close and regular association with one another. And unresolved personal conflicts are no minor issue, nor confined to the setting in which they take place, but spread out in every direction in ever-widening waves of anger, discontent, and despair. People who feel they are unheard, misunderstood, or unappreciated in their immediate surroundings, will feel diminished and be less effective in larger spheres. Our commitment to human rights, social justice, and world peace must indeed begin with respect for human differences in the people we interact with every day.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let me begin with my own heart and mind as I seek to become more aware of my hidden prejudices and judgmental attitudes, recognizing their insidious impact on those around me, whether I actually voice them or not. Let me begin with my own family members, friends, colleagues, and associates, knowing that I cannot with integrity ignore their personal needs, deny their rights to their own perspectives, or devalue their approach to life, while simultaneously seeking to guarantee human rights and social justice on a larger scale. Oh, let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Contributed by Diane
Published Sunday October 7, 2007
Week 45 of Liturgical Year C