Therefore Jesus also suffered outside the city gate in order to sanctify the people by his own blood. Let us then go to him outside the camp and bear the abuse he endured. 1 John 4:6-9)
Jesus Christ suffered "outside the city gate," away from the good neighbors, away from the so-called decent people. He was not numbered among the religious establishment. He was not numbered among the politically connected. He was not numbered among the good, upstanding pillars of the community who looked out for the narrow interests at the expense of a nobler common good. Jesus Christ was numbered among the "bad elements." He was crucified on the cross in their midst.
When I think about these things, I think about the saints of the church who have gone outside the city gate with Jesus. I am reminded of Virginia Durr, a privileged Alabamian who during her entire childhood never had to wonder whether she belonged or not. She was a member of upper-class white society, a debutante and all the privileges that go with it. She grew up to be the woman who, together with her husband, went down to the police station in Montgomery to bail out Rosa Parks on that famous night when the bus boycott began. After that, Clifford Durr lost his law practice, and much of white Montgomery stopped speaking to him. The Durr family took upon themselves the ministry of the Son of Man, who came to live among us as one outside the magic circle.
Inspired by the Son of Man with all his authentic followers, we are called to step outside with Jesus into a space "outside the camp" where the so-called decent people never go. In the poetic words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "we are called to find the places God is sore bestead, in our poor, neglected neighbors without home or bread." We don't have to look very far. Trenton Psychiatric Hospital? Triad House across the street from the church? The guidance center in any local school?
Let us pray. . . Lord, draw me out of my comfort zone outside the camp today. Open my eyes. Open my heart. Take me along where you always dare to go. Give me the courage to stick it out there with you. Amen
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday November 4, 2007
Liturgical Year C Week 49