Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with them; those who are mistreated; since you yourselves are in the body also. (Hebrews 13:1-3, NKJV)
Sometimes we feel compelled to carry along an excessive quantity of baggage on our travels, items we will never need: numerous suitcases bulging with cherished values, beliefs, and traditions; ingrained memories of previous trips; long-held dreams and great expectations; as well as a host of material accoutrements, such as products in preferred brands, favorite songs on tape, or a book in a familiar genre. The aim of our journey may be to stimulate ourselves with novel sights and sounds, indulge our passions, advance our business, or simply relax for a while, away from our usual responsibilities and concerns.
Such goals are not unworthy in themselves, but a problem arises when they assume an exclusive self-focus and an impenetrable rigidity, when we endeavor to sojourn in a new place while remaining firmly ensconced in our own life views and contentedly wrapped in as many of the comforts of home as we can muster. For wherever we go and whatever else is on our agenda, as children of God we are exhorted to reach out in love toward our fellow human beings, strangers though they be. To this end, there are better things to bring along on our journeys than possessions that only serve to support our private interests or maintain old patterns. Instead, we should be sure to include items that will help us acclimate to a different environment and make our contact with another culture or another person's way of life a worthwhile experience rather than just a passing glance, an inconvenient necessity, or even an outright struggle.
First on the packing list ought to be an openness that is sincere, nonjudgmental, and expansive enough to allow other perspectives to sink deep enough into our consciousness that they challenge our own, perhaps revealing our shallow outlook, inconsistent beliefs, distorted perceptions, incomplete knowledge, or hidden prejudices. For us, such awareness may be the prelude to personal growth and change, greater wisdom and integrity, and a more profound knowledge of the truth. For those we meet, a receptive attitude conveys a genuine interest in their lives, the first step in establishing our relationship with them.
Next, we should add sensitivity, respect, and an inquiring mind, a combination that will enable us to delve into the meanings behind the language, religion, art, family patterns, dwellings, education, occupations, rituals, celebrations, and other aspects of the lives of the people we visit; and to become aware of their thoughts and feelings about issues of importance to them. Such an approach is absolutely necessary if we wish to cross the bridge into their world, and actually communicate and interact with them, as opposed to simply observing them from afar, perhaps only from a description in a guidebook, as if they were some kind of curiosity rather than our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Other indispensable items to include are compassion and generosity. These qualities will translate into a willingness not only to spend our money for the support of the people who serve us, but also to offer our time, energy, and concern to particular individuals or communities in trouble, when needed and appropriate, and to be sufficiently moved that we commit to finding long-term solutions to the problems that become apparent to us. However, we need not bother bringing our benevolence along if we haven't also packed at least a modicum of cultural awareness, for otherwise it will merely dissolve into sentimentality and superficiality. Such are the hallmarks of pretenders who listen to the noise but do not hear the cry, or who hear but merely toss out a few small coins in order to assuage their own discomfort, or who try to force "solutions" that fail to address the real issues or resonate with the people they are trying to help.
Certainly we should pack a lively sense of wonder, well-tuned senses, and an abundant supply of gratitude, for together they will make this magnificent universe shine for us, no matter what the circumstances, infusing every new face with a radiance and vitality that a camera cannot even begin to duplicate. All human society has the power to captivate and transform us if we permit ourselves to become immersed in the culture and allow people to relate to us on their own terms. And to help us see them more clearly, we must not forget to bring a lamp, not a miserly flashlight with dull batteries, but the full-spectrum light of the Spirit. Such a light will penetrate external forms to reveal the inner goodness, beauty, and truth: "that of God" that lives in every person, whether these are immediately apparent to our unaided vision or not. Then every encounter can become a satisfying experience of the heart and soul, and all our journeys truly memorable.
Dear Lord, accompany us on our journeys, that we may be worthy ambassadors of the love of God wherever we travel and return home renewed, inspired, and more deeply committed to your service. Amen
Contributed by Diane
Sunday June 10, 2007
Liturgical Year C Week 28