
The word of the LORD came to me. "Mortal, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying; say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: "Hear the word of the Lord!"     Ezekiel 13:1-2

It was a beautiful spring day when we drove into Georgetown, Delaware on a brief vacation. As we approached the town square, really a circle within a square, we could hear the voice of a person reading over a loudspeaker system. When we got closer, we saw a white tent with a large sign indicating that the local clergy association was sponsoring a public Bible reading. Of course, we stopped to investigate. I spoke with the person in charge, and he told me they had started the morning before and expected to continue for approximately 24 hours longer until they reached the end of the book of Revelation, and this was the fifth year they had done this reading. Although there was a sign-up poster at each of the churches, the gaps were being filled by walk-in volunteers. I became one of those volunteers, perhaps the one from the greatest distance. When the person reading came to the end of a chapter, I continued the marathon by reading from the book of Ezekiel. Whenever I hear or read that book I will remember that warm sunny day.

Now, Ezekiel is not one of the more familiar books of the Bible, nor is he one of the more popular characters. Ezekiel, like the rest of the prophets, did not always bring good news. In fact, many chapters and verses begin with. "Woe unto you..." Did you know that in Hebrew the book is titled laqzhy meaning "God strengthens"! Ezekiel's predictions that Jerusalem would be destroyed fell on deaf ears. Because of her sin, Judah would also be destroyed, but after Jerusalem's annihilation, Ezekiel's message centered on Judah's future restoration. (Charles H. Dyer, "Ezekiel, the Bible Knowledge Commentary) The "bad news" turned into "good news". --- Hear the word of the Lord!

Reading the Bible in a public setting! What a great witness to the community and the world! People of faith, faithfully sharing their belief in the Word of God. People of God, publicly proclaiming the Word of God. Faith is strengthened by hearing the word of God, and the word of God is needed if faith is to be increased. We need to listen not only with our ears, but with our hearts. We need to nourish that faith with prayer, worship, Bible study, and service to God and the people of God. --- Hear the word of the Lord!

Was anyone who heard the Word those days saved or had their lives changed by the reading? That spring day, the seed was sown. Whether that seed fell on soil that was rocky or fertile cannot be known by mortals, anymore than the seed sown by the farmer can be guaranteed to take root and bear fruit. But the seed was sown. When you find good soil, cultivate it. Who will tend the fields and harvest the crop? --- Hear the word of the Lord!

Almighty God, thy word is cast like seed upon the ground,
Now let the dew of heaven descend and righteous fruits abound.
Let not the foe of Christ and man this holy seed remove:
But give it root in every heart, to bring forth fruits of love.
Let not the world's deceitful cares the rising plant destroy,
But let it yield a hundred-fold the fruits of peace and joy.
Oft as the precious seed is sown, thy quickening grace bestow;
That all whose souls the truth receive its saving power may know.

Words: John Cawood, 1815 - #234 Lutheran Book of Worship

Contributed by Rosemary
Sunday June 3, 2007
Liturgical Year C Week 27