"For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
We begin each day somehow marking the time. The farmer marks time with the sunrise. The young parent marks time with the pattering of a toddler's feet into the bedroom. The suburbanite marks time with a combination of clock radio/I-pod station. The police officer marks time with the first call from the dispatcher. The shopkeeper marks time with the presence of the first customer.
The Lord of time gives us the wisdom to be stewards of the time we mark. The Lord of time furnishes the courage to live in this time. The eternal Lord of time also knows first-hand our struggle to live in these times. For at the fitting time, he entered our space and time to usher in the season of unity and peace for all time.
Dear brother, dear sister, mark the time well this morning. Mark the time with reverence before the Lord of time.
Eternal Father, help us to be stewards of our time and timely in our response to your call today. We pray through Jesus Christ who knows what it means to keep time with us. Amen
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday July 1, 2007
Liturgical Year C Week 31