
God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.   (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Giving generously of one's person, time, abilities, talent, and tangible resources is intrinsic to what it means to be a child of God. It doesn't matter where we find ourselves on a given day, our lives either paint a portrait of stinginess or generosity. We are not reservoirs for the stagnation of God-given gifts. We are conduits through which the fresh provision of God finds direction to others.

What does a biblical giver look like? First, givers are intentional in developing a plan for their giving and following through with that plan. Their first check after payday is to the mission of the church. Their first appointment on the calendar is to worship God weekly and unhurriedly. Their first priorities reflect tempered values not hasty urgency. Second, givers are regular in their giving. They typically commit for the longer haul and don't get scared away by the challenges of working with and through institutions. Third, givers are generous with their lives, their joys and sorrows, their time, their listening, and their sharing of resources. Fourth, givers are cheerful. They critique their own discipleship response before they rush to judge others. Givers are cheerful because they live in the forgiveness and "fresh chance" mode. They don't allow themselves to be paralyzed by legalism or overanalysis.

Summertime is a fitting opportunity to reflect upon our identity as children of God's amazing generosity. Literally, the harvest has been bountiful here in New Jersey. But the harvest is ever plentiful when one looks around and within. God is good and generous to us.

O God, you are good, gracious, and generous to us. Let us know it. Let us echo it in every single aspect of our daily lives, through Jesus Christ our living Lord. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday September 10, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 42