Enoch walked with God after the birth of Methuselah three hundred years, and had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Genesis 5:22
Enoch is one of the more mysterious characters in the Old Testament. Obviously, he lived a long and productive life. Enoch's claim to fame throughout scripture is that he "walked with God."
During my recent one-month pastoral sabbatical, I explored the topic of prayer and even tried to work on my prayer life. Enoch has become one of my prayer mentors! One type of prayer that works especially well for folks who can't sit still is the prayer walk. I discovered that there are at least three types of prayer walks: (1) Devotional walking, (2) Intercessory prayer walking, and (3) Spiritual warfare walking.
I won't overwhelm you with the logistics of all three types. But try an intercessory prayer walk around your neighborhood today. Set out on your intercessory prayer walk by looking and listening. Smile and be open to your neighbors and the dynamics of your neighborhood. While you are walking at a good pace, pray for each house, business, and person you pass. Look for important clues as to what and whom to pray for. If a yard is filled with children's toys, pray to God for a quality family life for that household. As you pass a business, pray for those who work there and for good relations between labor and management. As you walk past a utility pole, pray for the PSE&G workers who work around the clock for your benefit. As an ambulance rushes by, pray for the health of the patient and for the safety of the EMT's.
Intercessory prayer walking can truly change neighborhoods and neighbors. By bathing your neighborhood in prayer, you will discover your own attitudes may change to the better toward your neighbors. Not only will your neighbors benefit from your prayers, but you may also find your heart moved to make a difference in your community.
Let us pray. . . O Lord, walk with me today as you once walked with Enoch. Join my journey. Make me aware of the needs of my neighbors along the journey. Hear my prayers with every step. May your Word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Amen
Contributed by Paster Dan
Sunday October 22, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 48