
November 5, 2006

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.    (1 John 3:1-3)

If I had to choose my favorite day in the church's calendar, it would have to be a toss up between Easter and All Saints Day. Each of these days remind me of what "church" is all about: children of God (holy people) participating in holy things. This means nothing less than being called by the Holy Spirit to participate in Jesus Christ himself! When we celebrate All Saints Day, we are reminded that this participation in Jesus Christ crosses all times and places. Whenever Jesus gathers us to himself, whether in worship or at the final banquet before God, he brings the whole fellowship of saints with him!

I am reminded of my visit a few years ago to the Church of St. George in Istanbul, which is the seat of the patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church. The entire space is completely filled with icons of saints, every wall and every ceiling in every direction. But in the center of the ceiling, looking down upon the entire assembly is a larger than life icon of Jesus Christ. Through the fog of incense, it almost felt as if the saints of all times and places are gathered in that assembly.

Ever since that visit my understanding of worship (and especially Holy Communion) has changed. My eyes see new things and new people in worship. Not only is it easier to see the Risen Christ in our midst, looking at us from the center and drawing the whole fellowship of saints to him at the center; it is also easier to see our loved ones who have gone before us gathered with him already.

What a beautiful and trusting image to be reminded of by All Saints Sunday: every time we worship, all saints - all children of God, past and present, are being gathered at the communion table, joining together to join the unending hymn of praise to God, and praying for God's mercy.

    Let us pray:
God, the generations rise and pass away before you. You are the strength of those who labor; you are the rest of the blessed dead. We rejoice in the company of your saints. We remember all who have lived in faith, all who have peacefully died, and especially those most dear to us who rest in you. Give us in time our portion with those who have trusted in you and have striven to do your holy will. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Joel
Sunday November 5, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 50