
Neither shalt thou bear false witness
against thy neighbor

  (Deuteronomy 5:20)
Let your light so shine before men
that they may see your good works, and
glorify your Father which is in heaven.

  (Matthew 5:16 King James Version)

Have you heard any rumors lately? Do people seem to speak scornfully about other people or groups? Does this cause uneasiness or anger in you upon hearing these things?

It is easy to start a rumor, but much harder to stop a "whispering campaign." What if the ideas circulated have no basis on fact or are meant to demean someone? Would you ask for proof of the comments or simply state to others what you have heard?

A strong Christian does not continue a campaign to discredit someone because others do. Christians look for the truth and are not afraid to stand up and question statements. They stand fast for right and shine light on murky issues: they seek truth by using patience, attentive listening to all sides and prayer.

At this time of year, people begin to groom their lawns for the months ahead. Some mow their yard, trim, etc., because it needs to be done. Others become overzealous and sometimes damage neighbor's yards to make themselves look good! The latter people set a tone which could lead to an argument about whose lawn is best or where the exact property line is set.

What could be the result of these "man-made" problems? More than likely other neighbors become annoyed. If this escalates, neighbors may line up behind whoever they think is right, or represents their own feelings. At this point, it calls for a person who is considered thoughtful and fair to help regain a sense of peace.

Now that I have set the stage, what is the point of all of this? Well, most of the neighbors seem to have forgotten that generally differing views need to be awarded the benefit of the doubt when there is a question of who is right, or if this small example is worth a standoff.

As Christians we need to show ourselves as followers of Christ by coming forward and seeking fairness. We also need to show caring for others as we would hope they would for us. A move to judge a situation before knowing facts only serves to ignite the issue.

This is a microcosm of the methods man often uses whether it be a yard dispute or a world wide dispute.

In the months and years to come, we are faced with using our integrity to develop answers for our borders and our leadership role among the nations. This is the conflict many Americans faced in centuries before our lifetime.

From small situations to worldwide problems, we need to show ourselves as Christians in the way we present ourselves and by the actions we take.


Lord, forgive our petty ways.
Help us to be ever vigilant of our own actions.
Let us be kind and caring in our daily meeting with others.
And may those we meet treat us with caring.

Contributed by Helen Y.
Sunday May 28, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 27