Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, Jesus said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31)
Last spring, I was invited to lead a retreat for women from an East Orange ELCA church. I've worked with this group several times over the years, and they are always an enthusiastic, thoughtful, delightful group. A bonus was the fact that the retreat is always held at the Episcopalian Convent of St. John the Baptist in Mendham, which is a small slice of heaven in the gentle hills of northern New Jersey. Once an orphanage, later a fully staffed convent, it is a quiet, peaceful place seemingly untouched by the world.
One of the features of the retreat center is a labyrinth. A quotation, by the famous Anonymous, supposedly refers to labyrinths: "A sign of God is that we are led to a place we did not intend to go." God does call us to places we never planned to go and to do things we never planned to do. In many ways, a labyrinth is an analogy of life. Christ is the center. The path has its twists and turns, and sometimes you wonder how you will ever get out. Sometimes you think you are almost at the end, but the winding path takes you back toward the center again. We cannot always see the pattern of the labyrinth, but must simply put one foot in front of another, having faith that the path will take us where we need to go. If we walk with trust, our eyes on reaching the center one step at a time, we will have less anxiety about how we will get there. Occasionally, we meet people on their return from the center who can provide assurance that the journey can be made and that we are not alone. But this is not a devotion about labyrinths, so I suggest you check the Internet to find many sites giving information and details.
A retreat is a time to listen to the voice of God. It might be a "learning experience", an opportunity to worship and pray alone or with friends or family. It may be a time of absolute silence and contemplation. Jesus went off into the wilderness to pray. John the Baptist lived a solitary life for many years, and Moses wandered the desert for a time before coming back to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land. In medieval times, monks and nuns often stayed alone for long periods. Non-Christian people, too, notably the American Indians, went out into the boondocks to fast and pray to the spirits, waiting to listen for instructions for their lives. Knights of the round and other tables went on quests, really a kind of retreat, before they received their title and armor.
In today's wild and crazy world, retreats are less common, but perhaps even more needed. We need to "go away by ourselves to a quiet place" to pray and listen -- but not necessarily to fast. Close yourself in your room -- "go into a closet to pray", or even the bathroom if you have the usual hectic home. Go into your garden, a park, woods, beach, or place where you can be alone. Try a church sanctuary or chapel, not necessarily your own. It need not be for an extended time. A brief break, even an hour or so, where you can be quiet, read your Bible, a book of devotions or inspiration, a biography of a "religious" person, or a collection of poems can be refreshing. Quietly sing a hymn or two, play an instrument if you are so talented, or just sit quietly, close your eyes, relax and wait for the spirit to speak to you. Recorded guided meditations can be useful tools for relaxing and listening to God and to your own soul. Return to the world with new peace of mind and body, refreshed and renewed in your faith.
Contributed by Don M.
Sunday May 21, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 26