March 12, 2006

For I will restore health unto thee,
and I will heal thee.....saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 30:17 KJV

The world outside our door is no longer knocking -- It has seeped into most of our homes. The computer, the modern telephone system and so many other communication alternatives have combined to link life in the USA with people all over the world. We learn of problems in countries around the globe in our newspapers, watch "breaking news" on our televisions and contact people by phone thousands of miles away in a matter of minutes. This means we become concerned about a very, very large global family. We hope to become informed, but are "dragged down" instead of feeling joy.

It is a leap from the relative quiet and peace of my grandfather's farm in the 1940s to the realities of today's world. While many suggest ways to curb anxiety, the majority of the world still worries. Many more people literally become ill. This anxiety can be manifested in headaches, high blood pressure, and more; indeed, it can cause the health of some already sick people to worsen.

Since physical and mental health are often linked, one way to help ourselves at any age is to accept God's offer to restore health and heal us by reaching out to him.

Remember a few of the many hymns that convey the means to God's help, such as; "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear ...", "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound ...", and "Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; ...". These can be a prayers or we can combine them with our own words. If we have faith in God and turn our anxieties and physical plights over to the Lord, God has promised to aid and heal us.

Sometimes we may think we are not making progress, but progress requires Faith, our own diligent work, and acceptance of movement -- no matter how small. Only God can implant the patience and peace needed to heal.

If death comes in spite of prayers and faith, we need to pray for the sick person to "go with God," and ask God to guide us on with our own lives. He has promised to restore health and heal us, as told in Jeremiah 30:17. We need to trust him.

Now the season of Lent is here and we will reread the Bible stories of Christ's trials. Our faith is tried through the coming weeks 'til we reach the darkness of Good Friday and await the brightness of a risen Christ on Easter morning. Do not be afraid; he has promised this time will come!

Lord, as we bring our joys and trials to you,
Please accept our sincere faith
So that we may be truly healed.
Help us to be steadfast in our beliefs
And ever look to you as our Savior.

Contributed by Helen Y.
Sunday March 12, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 16