Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin.
Matthew 6:28b
Oh, who can make a flower? I'm sure I can't, can you?
Oh, who can make a flower? No one but God, 'tis true.
I learned this song as a very small child in the primary department at the Roosevelt, NY branch of Christ Lutheran Church, which later became and remains to this day as Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. I clearly remember the basement, where Sunday School classes were held. I was reminded of this hymn a few weeks ago when I purchased a Gerbera daisy plant at the Trenton Farmer's Market. It certainly was an unusual blossom - there was a double stem, with two flowers - one pure orange, and the other both yellow and orange, split down the center in one perfect bloom. This was certainly an "accident" of nature, one that no grower ever would be able to achieve on purpose. A special surprise from God, unrepeatable by propagation or plant reproduction.
This is the time of year many of us are frantically working in our gardens, trying, between rainstorms, to get seedlings planted. Poets may talk about "green thumbs" but those of us who toil in the soil know it is really the "dirty thumb" as well as stained hands and nails that are the mark of a gardener. No matter how many hours we put in planting, cultivating, fertilizing and weeding, it is only by the grace of God that our efforts come to fruition. (Note the word "fruit" in the word "fruition!") Each year, farmers plant their crops and pray that the sun will shine and the rain will fall in the proper order. Although farmers may work diligently to bring in a good harvest, they can only hope and pray that their efforts will be rewarded.
Spiritual growth is nurtured by spiritual discipline. Spiritual disciplines are like garden tools. The best spade and hoe in the world cannot guarantee a good crop; they only make it more likely that growth will be unobstructed. The mystery of growth lies in the heart of the seed, and the outcome of planting depends largely on the whims of weather. Still, tools are important in helping to ensure that planted seeds will grow to maturity. Tools can remove stones and roots, aerate the soil, weed and water the garden. Disciplines like prayer, scriptural reflection, and hospitality help keep the soil of our love clear of obstruction. They keep us open to the mysterious work of grace in our heart and our world. They enable us to receive and respond to God's love, which in turn yields the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. Growth may be spurred on by serious Bible study, deep reflection or even adversity. Words like 'disciple' and 'discipline' share the root meaning of being taught. Jesus' disciples were taught by his words and example in a living relationship. Our discipleship is no different. It grows in the embrace of a living relationship with the divine Spirit. Spiritual knowledge helps us grow in grace. This growth in grace may be seen in acts of love and kindness toward others, in a more devoted worship life, and in a more active prayer life.
Spring is always considered the season of growth and new life. What will you do to cultivate grace in your life this season?
My God, accept my heart this day, and make it always Thine,
That I from Thee no more may stray, no more from Thee decline.
Anoint me with Thy heavenly grace, adopt me for Thine own,
That I may see Thy glorious face, and worship at Thy throne.
Let every thought, and work, and word, to Thee be ever given;
Then life shall be Thy service, Lord, and death the gate of Heaven.
Amen (Matthew Bridges, 1848 from Psalm 119)
Contributed by Rosemary
Sunday June 25, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 31