June 11, 2006

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.     (James 3:1)

In January, at the time of the Super Bowl, there is a lot of hype about the TV commercials developed and aired for the event. My vote for commercials, however, would go to those shown during Hallmark "Hall of Fame" presentations. They are mini dramas in themselves. One that is especially meaningful to me is about a child bringing a card to and elderly piano teacher. It always brings tears to my eyes.

I believe that commercial touches me because I know how much it means to my husband when his former piano students keep in touch with him. Some of them take time to visit, others to telephone him, and still others send him loving, thank-you notes. A recent letter he received stated, "I remember a day when we were talking about my Mozart concerto and you said that I should play so that each and every note is a credit to Mozart - to make Mozart proud. I hope my piano-playing has been a credit to both the composers of the pieces I have played and to you." What a beautiful thing to tell a former teacher.

At this time of year, when both the academic cycle and Sunday School classes come to a close, take the time to thank a teacher that has been an inspiration to you in your life -- or for your child. And, thank God for bringing you and that teacher together.

Thank you God for bestowing the gift of teaching to some of your children so each can be an inspiration, and leader, to some of your other children. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Richard
Sunday June 11, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 29