July 2, 2006

Anytime you read in the scriptures that Jesus has gone from one place "to the other side" you know that boundaries have been crossed. Disciples who live under Christ's call find themselves in new and surprising places not of their own choice. To be followers of Jesus Christ means to cross from our own comfort zones into the lives and places of others.

Dark and early at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning this week, Cathy Wendler and I will join eight of our youth to attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering in San Antonio. From the New Jersey Synod there are 145 young people and 39 adult advisors attending from 16 congregations during week one (our week!) of the gathering and 175 young people and 59 adult advisors attending from 24 congregations during week two. From July 5 through July 16 more than 40,000 high school age Lutheran Christians will gather in San Antonio.

I want to thank the members of our congregation who have supported this ministry with their prayers and financial resources. These young people represent all of us. If you would like to follow the Bible studies, events, and worship opportunities this week, you can join in via cyberspace at www.elca.org/gathering. The theme of the gathering is Cruzando: Journey with Jesus. Cruzando literally means "crossing" in Spanish. Each day we will follow Jesus over "to the other side." We will explore and celebrate what it means to cross over from our own comfortable, self-serving sphere into the uncomfortable but blessed other places where Christ Jesus chooses to be. You can also join our journey as you find ways today to step out in faith and cross over with Christ into the lowly places where God's love can be discovered.

Lord, give me the courage today to cross over with you into new, exciting, and uncomfortable places of mission and ministry in your name. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday July 4, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 32