January 29, 2006

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."    Matthew  19:14 NRSV

One of the chief highlights of each Sunday for me is the opportunity to interact with our congregation's children. Whether it is during the time of the children's sermon or after the services for the pastoral greeting, I love our children of all ages and sizes. I appreciate their energy and enthusiasm.

Discussing a passage like this, biblical commentators like to focus on the natural humility and trusting quality of children. I don't really have a problem with that. All of us could benefit from being a bit more humble, receptive, spontaneous, and trusting.

But I wonder why such commentators don't also speak about the commitment and compassion of children! William Sloane Coffin once said in a sermon, "If it's immature to be childish, to remain childlike may be a function of maturity. . . . It's children who want to save the seals, the whales, and all the rest of us to boot. It's kids who sell cookies for causes, bake bread for brotherhood, save pennies to fight pollution. It's kids who have walkathons against war. And of course we encourage them. We believe in their being generous."

It is also a stark reality that we encourage our children to outgrow commitment and compassion. It is a distressing reality that we encourage our children as they grow older to forsake their commitment, compassion, and idealism and join the "real world."

Do you think Jesus would bless our view of growing up? In a strange sort of way, biblical thinking says maturity comes with remaining childlike. Join me in pondering that paradox for today.

Lord, focus our eyes on the childlike commitment and compassion of children. Lord, make our hearts beat with the hearty faith and witness of our children. Lord, cause our lives to love all the children because they are your recipients and bestowers of blessing. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday January 29, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 10