February 26, 2006

Blessed are those who have no reason to
condemn themselves because of what they approve.

Romans 14: 22

One of my children told me that Martin Luther's favorite book of the Bible was Romans and that seemed a good reason to read it for myself. What a bunch of good ideas for family life it contains, but what a hard book to understand overall. What follows is offered in the spirit of the above quote: I see very little clearly and I have little insight to offer, but I believe that what I am pursuing (faith in God's love?) is worthy. At first, I chuckled at this half-beatitude: It comes near the end of a dense book and seems like a left handed compliment. Then when I thought of Christ's longer list of beatitudes, I wondered if this one from Romans could be extended by adding "for they are probably on the right track." Christ's list seems to include all of us who are vulnerable but sincere. Paul's idea is similar.

A tolerant tone sounds from the very beginning of Romans with Paul's opening prayer that he and his friends may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. Throughout the book, the reader is reminded to be mutually upbuilding (14:19), not to judge others (14:1) and to keep in mind that God's kindness, forbearance and patience are meant to lead us all to repentance. (2:4). We are encouraged not to make one another stumble (14:13).

In our own homes, patient forbearance is the key to helping each other grow. Everyday we all err and compassionate cheerfulness (12:8) both for those around us and ourselves is crucial. Paul's half-beatitude comes in a passage on dietary regulations. He seems to be telling us that if one person thinks something is unclean, fine; but don't expect everyone else to make the same determination. Don't throw your convictions at someone else's feet as a stumbling block. Bickering and petty quarrels over dietary laws do not help us come to God. Some issues that arise in families (tidiness of bedrooms comes to my mind) may be more laughable (or signs of God's infinite variety) than truly connected with spiritual growth.

The last chapter of Romans contains personal greetings from Paul to several dozen individuals, workers in the church, unknown except for this passage. This chapter raised my spirits because it lists a multitude of simple people all important to Paul and worthy of mention in scripture. There is hope for us all

Dear God, help make your ways more understandable to us. Thank you for your compassionate forbearance and strengthen us in our efforts to emulate your loving attitude toward your family. Amen

Contributed by Susan
Sunday February 26, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 14