Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air; but I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
I don't watch much television. In fact, our television has been relegated to the attic of our house, and rarely comes on. However, halfway through the Winter Olympics I've found this to be an exception. I love the Olympics. It's exciting to watch some of the greatest athletes in the world demonstrate their amazing abilities. Here are athletes with conviction, passion, and discipline.
Unfortunately, sometimes even the Olympics are tainted with arrogance and carelessness that leads to scandal, and sometimes even expulsion from competing. Destructive habits take over and foolish decisions are made, and in these situations it seems as if the purpose of true sport has been forgotten. These misdirected athletes run aimlessly, with a different goal in mind than those who compete for good sport.
Sometimes it feels as if this happens to Christians. We're certainly pursuing a goal, but we run with our own goal in mind, and we run aimlessly. We run toward a finish line as individual racers against everyone else. And while this is often the goal of the race in many of the Olympic competitions, this is certainly not what Paul had in mind when he used this imagery. Paul is not even warning Christians to try to be morally perfect; as far as he's concerned our own efforts and discipline are so misdirected they will inevitably cave to self-interest. On the contrary, Paul is here warning them (and us) that the finish line will never be reached alone, neither as individual Christians nor even as an individual congregation or denomination. The result of self-interested individuals running the race, or congregations with only their own growth and improvement as their goal, is disqualification from the race.
The finish line - the prize - that Paul has in mind is one that is never about self-indulgence but about building up the neighbor. Yes, only one runner receives the prize in an earthly race, but the prize of the race Paul has in mind is more inclusive. Christians do not run aimlessly, but toward the kingdom of God, where there is a radical acceptance of all people. Christians discipline themselves - punish and enslave their bodies - not in order to become perfect gold medal moral athletes, but to be shaped by the Spirit daily in the waters of baptism. And it's precisely baptism that re-qualifies the disqualified.
"Punish your body" (as Paul uses the phrase) is not to be understood literally as something you do to yourself, but as the Spirit's daily drowning of the old sinful person in the waters of baptism so that you may be shaped by the Spirit to run the race for the good of the neighbor.
Gracious God, we give you thanks because by the death and resurrection of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ you destroyed the power of death and accepted all believers into your kingdom. Give us the conviction, passion, and discipline to run the race for the sake of all people, that we may proclaim good news to all creation and always place love and concern for our neighbors before our own needs. Amen.
Contributed by Pastor Joel
Sunday February 19, 2006
Liturgical Year B Week 13