I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-4
Among all the Advent readings of the past four weeks, the above words especially resonated with me and have been frequently in my thoughts. Paul speaks of the joy he feels remembering his companions who share his belief in the message of the Gospel. When I turned to the book of Philippians, I was struck by PaulÕs repeated references to joy as he sat waiting in a prison. He feels joy in knowing he is connected to so many good people. For instance:
Paul is joyfully secure in knowing that regardless of peopleÕs motives, Christ is proclaimed by their acts (Phil. 1.18).
He is steadfastly joyful in his confidence that he benefits his friends in their progress towards faith (Phil. 1.18-25).
Paul is joyfully hopeful that his friends will make his own joy complete by being of one mind. (Phil. 2.2). Their good efforts will also bring good pleasure to God (2.13).
Paul is joyfully sincere in his thankfulness at GodÕs graciousness in granting us the privilege of believing in and suffering for Christ. (Phil. 1.29). Those who come near death provoke special joy (Phil. 2.17-18, 29-30) in that they are like Christ (Phil 2.7) and Paul himself (2.17) who willingly pour themselves out as a libation over the many sacrifices GodÕs people make to faith.
He is joyfully grateful and content (Phil. 4.10) with the kindnesses the people have shown him.
Finally, Paul is joyfully provoking in urging us to press on toward the heavenly goal. (Phil. 3.14). He is optimistic that Christ is at work in us and that we therefore can shine like stars (Phil. 2.14). What more fitting image for us as we wait for Epiphany?
Dear God,
Thank you for the blessings of the Church community and the joy that attends and subsumes group efforts. Amen
Contributed by Susan L.
Published Sunday December 31, 2006
Week 5 of Liturgical Year C