... My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Luke 1:46 (KJV)
These were the words that Mary said to Elizabeth, the mother-to-be of John the Baptist, after the visit from the Angel Gabriel who announced that she would bear Jesus. These are feelings I share. For me, these words exemplify the essence of my faith. I had these words at work when I had terrible things happen in my life as well as the most joyous of times, The deaths of my parents, brother and my first wife and the births of my three children. Finding a new partner-in-life and blending families counts as a Godsend.
Later, admitting to myself that I had problems I could not control was at the same time both terrible and uplifting for it gave me the opportunity to learn about my self. Through all the happenings in my life, I found strength, joy and peace in my faith. After a long career as a generalist in the worlds of technologies and science and helping others do what they did best with, for and by themselves, I found opportunities to serve others working with people with substance abuse issues, troubled youth and the homeless. I was able to use the same tools I had learned in the technical world useful in relating to and serving others. Here I found my happiest work years.
Now I find myself with physical problems that threaten to overwhelm and I still count them as challenges and opportunities to measure the strength of my faith. I know will persevere, am still optimistic and will enjoy my families (our grown children and our grandchildren).
In this Advent season, I am mindful of others blessed with the same gift of faith. The strength my faith gives me is not my own nor is meant to be kept close, it is meant to be shared with others. Hopefully, by sharing our own gift of faith we may help other by example and service.
Dear and precious Lord, we solemnly and with joy celebrate the Advent season. We pray for the strength and compassion to be willing to share out gift of faith in You and ourselves with others in need. Amen.
Contributed by Michael S.
Sunday December 17, 2006
Liturgical Year C Week 3