Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2 (NRSV)
Back at the end of November, and again the last week of March, I have taken an intensive Spanish class. Several people have asked me why I want to spend 50 hours a week learning Spanish. My answer is simple, I live in a place that welcomes many people from Spanish speaking countries and I want to be able to communicate with them in their native tongue. I want to be able to offer just a tiny bit of hospitality to those who are new to this country. It is my duty and my delight to do so.
During the course of these classes, the news has focused on the issue of immigration into this country. Responses to this issue have ranged from putting up a barrier to keep people out, making those without documentation felons, granting guest worker visas, or getting rid of impediments altogether and opening the borders to all. Everyone from Bill Gates to George Bush to your next door neighbor has an opinion. Church officials have spoken out on all sides of the issue. On Dec. 18 the New Jersey Synod, ELCA observed National Immigrants Day and continues to work with and for those who face discrimination, oppresion and unfair treatment in our society.
This is not an easy issue. We will not all agree on the right ways to handle immigration now or in the future. But it is clear that we are called, as people of God, to welcome the stranger in our midst and show hospitality to our neighbors, regardless of who they are, what language they speak or where they have come from. We are called to share with others the same love that God in Jesus Christ shares with us.
Thanks be to God that in Jesus Christ we have been welcomed. We are no longer strangers but sisters and brothers in Christ, united by the power of the Holy Spirit. As such, we dare to risk welcoming others -- even those who speak a different language!
Thank you God for welcoming us into your family.
Help us to welcome others in your name. Amen.
Contributed by Tracie
Sunday April 2, 2006
Week 19 of Liturgical Year B