October 30, 2005

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you
and that your joy may be complete

John 15:11

Happiness is basically a choice which is not dependent upon situations or conditions. Each of us is responsible for our own happiness. Happiness can be enhanced by what occurs around us. We are more likely to be happy if we center our activities on others instead of ourselves.

Dr. Archibald Hart, dean and professor of psychology of the Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, suggests writing the following affirmations on cards, keeping them with you, and reading them periodically:

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending the Holy Spirit
to dwell in our hearts and make us happy. Amen

Contributed by Melanie H.
Published Sunday October 30, 2005
Week 49 of Liturgical Year A