November 13, 2005

Jesus sat watching people put money into the temple treasury. The rich were usually generous. Then he saw an impovished widow putting in her two small copper coins. He called the disciples and said, "This poor widow's gift is worth far more than all the contributions, for they gave of their abundance from the money they had left over, while she gave all the money she had from the little she had to live on." ... (Mark 12: 42-44)

Congress has been working on the budget. The leadership has proposed a plan called budget reconciliation. Drastic cuts have been proposed to reconcile the budget. The plan cuts billions of dollars -- repeat -- billions from Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Plan, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and other programs "that keep struggling families together and assist low-income working families in moving to higher economic ground. Cuts to mandatory spending called for in the reconciliation package would decrease valuable assistance to millions of low-income families, children, elderly and people with disabilities." Tax cuts for the wealthy (although they donÕt need them).Ó (Bishop Mark Hanson)

Our faith gives witness of God's concern for the poor and oppressed. Jesus unequivocally calls us to feed the poor and cloth the naked. Americans opened their hearts and their checkbooks with the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. As we look towards our government for leadership, shouldn't the government reflect our values of dignity and care for those that have less than we do?

The Conference of Bishops, in conjunction with other leaders of faith from many other denominations, has sent a letter to each and every Congressperson denouncing these drastic cuts. In a speech addressing this issue, Harry Reid, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, called these cuts "immoral". Lutheran Bishops have been calling their states representatives and senators denouncing the severity of the cuts and the amoral impact towards our brothers and sisters. The vote has been postponed.

As Christians we repeat every Sunday, "Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us -- our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love." As Americans, are we then called to speak out to our government officials when they are not good stewards of our taxes?

God of the poor, God who was poor who entered our lives homeless and a refugee, we pray that you give our governmental leaders the wisdom and courage to help feed the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. We give you thanks for our many blessings and we pray you continue to show us how to be good stewards of your gifts, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Contributed by Betsey R.
Published Sunday November 13, 2005
Week 51 of Liturgical Year A