Train up your children in the way they should grow and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (paraphrased)
It takes a congregation to raise a child. This variation on a popular phrase came to me as I watched Bishop Riley take into his arms the newly baptized Sophia Rose and carry her through the congregation to introduce her to all her new brothers and sisters, her family in Christ. The Bishop told her that these people were kind, generous and loving, and will help her parents guide her growth in faith in coming years.
We, the congregation, do have a great responsibility to all these new Christians. Glance around during coffee hour and see how many infants, toddlers, and small children are among us. Sunday School teachers instruct them in the stories of the Bible, pastors lead them in worship, and music leaders teach them to sing the great hymns of praise and thanks. Social ministries people can include the little ones in their projects, teaching them how to give to others. The property committee can welcome the help of children in taking care of our building and grounds as active participants in workdays and day-to-day upkeep. Altar guild members often give children the opportunity to carry up the elements and assist with God's holy housekeeping. During stewardship emphasis Sundays, sharing of time, talent, and treasures should include youngsters. Inviting friends to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School is vital evangelism. When old enough to memorize nursery rhymes and songs, they can also memorize the Apostle's Creed and the Lord's Prayer, as well as other parts of the liturgy. As children become old enough to read, they can be taught to participate more fully in worship.
All of us can play a part in their spiritual growth. A smile, a kind word, or a question about what they learned in Sunday school can open a conversation.
Do you remember when your own children were small? What worked for you? Do you remember someone who mentored you when you were a child in church? How can you help the children of this congregation to grow in faith and their belief in Christ as their Lord and Savior? Be patient, loving and kind.
A Child's Prayer
Lord, teach a little child to pray,
And then accept my prayer;
For thou canst hear the words I say,
For thou art everywhere.
A little sparrow cannot fall
Unnoticed, Lord, by thee:
And though I am so young and small,
Thou dost take care of me.
Teach me to do the thing that's right
And when I sin, forgive;
And make it still my chief delight
To serve thee while I live. Amen
(Author unknown)
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Sunday November 6, 2005
Week 50 of Liturgical Year A