May 15, 2005

The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
beholding the wicked and the good.

Proverbs 15:3

Just last month Margot and I realized a long-held travel goal of cruising down the Mississippi River on a sternwheeler, the "Delta Queen." On our second day aboard we docked at Helena, Arkansas, a desperately poor little town on the bank of that river. Our four busloads of 150+ people visited a quite small African-American church, being treated to a special choral performance of gospel music and spirituals by their choir. During introductory comments by the tour leader we were told that none of the singers, nor the accompanying pianist, guitar player and percussionist, were trained musicians. But, how wonderfully, naturally talented they were! The pastor gave a brief moving homily, commenting relevantly about our visit and thanking God for His presence in our midst that morning. The predominantly white, and mostly Northern, "visiting congregation" clapped hands with the choir and rose to sing enthusiastically with them in their closing number, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." I will confess to you that my eyes were misty. ... but, of course, you know I love choral music! It was a one hour "concert" I shall long remember. Reflecting on that day, I think of a Lutheran hymn (LBW #555) that proclaims:

How oft, in making music, we have found
A new dimension in the world of sound,
As worship moved us to a more profound
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Well, you might ask, "what's this all about?" It reminded me --- and I probably do need reminding from time to time --- that God truly is everywhere. He is not just present in great cathedrals like St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, or at spacious suburban churches like Abiding Presence Church in New Jersey, but also at little clapboard Baptist churches like the one we visited one Saturday in Helena, AR. Dan Whitener, in a recent sermon, quoted a lady who observed, "There is not a spot where God is not." Yes, I knew this intellectually. ... just as every Christian knows that. But, it is knowing that truth spiritually --- in one's heart and soul --- that really matters. So, dear good friends in Christ, I have been reminded once again that a church is not a building, however grand and beautiful, it is we the people who congregate in that structure to worship and praise an omnipresent God that constitute the church. God's presence truly abides everywhere.

Let us pray
Heavenly Creator, wherever we may go and wherever we may be,
We beseech thee to help us always to feel your presence and your strength.

Contributed by Jack P.
Published Sunday May 15, 2005
Week 25 of Liturgical Year A