For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also
Matthew 6:21 (also Luke 12:34)
The scriptures instruct us to be good stewards. A few years ago, Sunday School children were introduced to Pel-i-can who taught them that "stewardship" means taking care of creation: that which has been given to us by a loving and caring God. Adults must also learn how to be good stewards of God's earth; to use only what we need, give back what we cannot use, and leave more than we have taken. There is also the stewardship of our personal skills and abilities. Remember the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, discernment, knowledge, faith, healings, miracles, prophecy, diverse tongues, interpretation and each is given of the Spirit for the common good. We are all members of the body of Christ, and these verses tell us that all members are of equal importance. (I Corinthians 12:7). Too often, though, when we hear STEWARDSHIP, we think of financial stewardship -- or we translate it to mean, "We need more money!"
In Chapter 12:48, Luke writes, For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required. In addition to our financial support, we are given time and talents to be used in service to our Lord and our church. At one time a member of our congregation, a painter temporarily unemployed, contributed countless days of labor to repaint several rooms of the building in lieu of monetary contribution. A few people may remember Laura Hook, who weeded, watered, and coaxed into bloom the flowers that surrounded our building sharing her gift for growing things. Ann Oshman crafted several of the banners which still beautify our sanctuary. Louise Fitzgerald used her organizational skills to create the church library. Though they have entered the church triumphant, their gifts live on. In our congregationÕs early years, members took pride in maintaining the church grounds as well as performing weekly chores of dusting, vacuuming and washing clergy and choir robes. Adult and child members who sing, add their voices to the choirs. Those able to teach help to guide the Sunday School children to a deeper understanding of God's ways. Those less able to participate in other activities help by telephoning to remind people of meetings, special events, or prayer requests. People blessed with computer skills spend hours maintaining this and other electronic ministries of our congregation.
Find time to "labor in the vineyards of the Lord", whether it is helping with the office work and preparing mailings, cleaning out the refrigerator, assisting in the liturgy, preparing meals for sick and heartsick members. Members of the Altar Guild spend numerous hours preparing the chancel and sanctuary for worship. Whenever there is a workday at APLC, participants have a wonderful time together as well as carrying out needed service. Small regular gifts of canned and boxed food add to our support of food pantries. A visit to a food pantry could show how much these small items mount up to feed hungry people. Chores done which are not noticed would be noticed if they were not done. Time spent in prayer for congregation members, friends, and family needs to be respected, too. Visiting the sick and sorrowing should be a ministry of all members, in addition to the pastor and staff. Sometimes ways of giving time become line items in the budget. It is important that each one of us has the chance to serve in the capacities which utilize their God-given gifts and abilities. All offerings -- physical and spiritual as well as financial -- have comparable importance and acknowledgement. There is joy in serving by doing for others; there is satisfaction in lending a hand to those in need; there is fulfillment in working with and within the community.
Children can be part of the on-going support of the congregation. Their efforts are not always perfect, but they ought to have a chance to participate if they are to grow to be effective adult church members. One Sunday morning a small child expressed a desire to serve as acolyte. The pastor picked him up and guided his hand to extinguish the candles. After a moment of a corporate breath holding by the congregation, the boy completed his task and the radiant joy on his face must have caused God and all the angels to smile. At that moment, he was not a child with a mental handicap, but a servant of the Lord, and an equal to all the saints. Not as we ought, but as we are able. (LBW Eucharistic Prayer)
We give thee but thine own, whate'er the gift may be;
All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee.
May we thy bounties thus, as stewards true receive,
And gladly, as thou blessest us, to thee our first fruits give.
William Walsham How, 1858
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Sunday May 1, 2005
Week 23 of Liturgical Year A