Each day I lift my hands in prayer to you, Lord
Isaiah 11:6
I don't know how many of you have seen emails that have circulated through cyberspace asking you to sign a petition to put God and prayer back in the schools. As I delete those emails, I always think to myself... and whose prayer should we all say? Should we pray to the God of Abraham or the Prophet Muhammad? Should we pray to Jesus or to Buddha? Whose prayer would you want said in school? I had eight religions in my class this past school year. Please tell me which children I should have disregarded and intentionally made feel uncomfortable while I prayed?
One of my students wrote about his Star Wars Bible study class. Tim connected the new Star Wars film with a discussion of the 'dark-side' and Satan. I wrote on the bottom of his report that it was a shame that Annaka (Darth Vadar) had turned to the dark-side because he feared his wife's death...surely he should have remembered that all who believe in Jesus do not perish." His mother sent me a note. "I didn't think you could talk about faith in a public school?" she wrote. "I tried to convince Tim that he really shouldn't write about his bible study class, but he had insisted. Thank you for affirming his faith."
Another report I read from an Indian child was regarding the scientific process of embalming. In his conclusion he wrote, "As I am Hindu, we do not embalm our dead. We cremate their bodies. I found this process of embalming very interesting, but I still want to be cremated." I wrote on the bottom of his paper, "Good for you. I want to be cremated too! Did you know that Jews don't embalm either?" His mother wrote a note that said, "I didn't think you were permitted to write about your faith in school. Thank you for giving my son full credit and for affirming his faith decision to be cremated."
This past school year, every day, my class worked with children with autism as their buddies. They made Thanksgiving treat bags for seniors at Luther Towers. They sent a monthly care package to an army unit in Iraq. Several of my children volunteered to be helpers for an extra physical education class helping peers with neurological problems. My children treated each other with respect and caring. They helped each other and shared their food when someone forgot a snack. Any child who asked, "Can I play?" was always answered with, "Of course!" So, don't send me an email about putting God back in the public schools. Just for the record -- He is already there. He never left!
Let us pray:
Lord, thank you for being with and among us
everyday and in every place. Amem
Contributed by Betsey R.
Published Sunday July 17, 2005
Week 34 of Liturgical Year A