Jesus left that place and went away
to the district of Tyre and Sidon.
Matthew 15:21
At first this might seem like a throw-away verse, a Bible verse meant only to move the Gospel story from one place to another. But in this case, the place was uncharted territory for Jesus. Tyre and Sidon were located in Phoenicia (present day Lebanon). As far as we know, this is the only time Jesus sets foot outside of the Holy Land. It is there that Jesus meets a Canaanite woman (the traditional Palestinian enemy of the Jewish people), who implores him to heal her daughter. The story that unfolds ends with Jesus praising this woman for her great faith, much to the astonishment of the disciples.
Yesterday the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Orlando ended. Some of the decisions made in this Assembly represent uncharted territory for this church: from matters related to gay and lesbian persons to mission strategies related to Asians and people of African Descent to a strategy for engagement in the Holy Land. When Jesus crossed the boundary into the district of Tyre and Sidon, he opened the eyes of the disciples and the church to mission among the gentiles. The stunning affirmation of the faith of the Canaanite woman prepares us for the mission-statement-ending of Matthew's Gospel: Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations! And to this day, and through this Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we go into every corner of the world to proclaim God's love and to serve all God's people. Sometimes, that means taking the risk of crossing a boundary into uncharted territory, but always confident that we are not traveling alone.
Dear God, bless the decisions of this church, as we work together in your mission. Give us faith to follow where our Savior Jesus Christ has led the way, trusting in you above everything, for Jesus sake. Amen
Contributed by Betsey R.
Published Sunday August 14, 2005
Week 38 of Liturgical Year A