April 17, 2005

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. ... Corinthians 13:11

In order to prepare children for the future, we send them to school, give them religious instruction, allow them to make mistakes, give encouragement, and so much more!

This seems to take a long time and we are proud when they do well, but often feel we have "not quite done the job" when they fail.

The wise words of Jesus tell us there is a time to learn, then to become an adult, but always treat others with forgiveness and kindness. When we have taught our children the basics of life, we need to trust that our children have absorbed enough to make decisions on their own. Our love needs to be unconditional.

Often we teach by example even though we do not realize this at the time.

During my junior and senior years in college, I roomed with a girl named Kathy. She was to become a close friend. I also attended the Lutheran Church in town each Sunday I was on campus. Kathy soon asked me if she could walk with me and attend the service. We walked together for the next two years. Then I graduated, and she had one year left. I came back for her graduation. We wrote letters at first; then Christmas letters, but I did not see her for twenty years.

One day Kathy called me and invited my husband and me to her home in York, Pennsylvania. During our conversation she said, "Guess what? My husband and I have been Lutherans for the past twenty years. All that walking together and talking drew me to the church which has sustained me ever since." I was really humbled and delighted. Kathy had found peace despite her difficult life before college.

Easter Day 2005 has passed and the light of the resurrected Lord shines as brightly as the rays of the sun. We need only remember this is God's plan to redeem each of us, whether we stumble or walk straight and tall.

Lord of light, You always show us the way, if we follow. Teach us to keep growing even though we feel we have completed our learning. Help us to remember there is always more to learn. Help us to be good examples of our faith. Amen

Contributed by Helen Y.
Published Sunday April 17, 2005
Week 21 of Liturgical Year A