Some give freely, yet grow all the richer; others withhold what is due, and only suffer want. A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water. ... Proverbs 11:24-25 NRSV
Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes once told a story of a woman who looked out the window of a commuter train and saw one of her gloves. So she pulled down the window and threw out the other glove so there would be at least a pair for someone.
Each and every day, even today, we have quick and passing opportunities to be generous with our selves, our time, our expertise, and our resources. Generosity doesn't come naturally in a society that misconstrues gifts as "entitlements." Yet God calls us into that kind of lifestyle through the promise given to us in the scripture verses above. And what is this promise? In God's kingdom, generosity breeds generosity.
Therefore, brothers and sisters, join me today in doing something recklessly kind or crazily generous. In so doing, we may be echoing the very nature of a generous, providential Lord.
Let us pray. . . Lord, all that we are and all that has been entrusted to us is generous gift. Help us to be channels and not stagnant reservoirs for your generous goodness today, in the name of Jesus Christ who withheld nothing for our sake. Amen
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Published Sunday April 10, 2005
Week 20 of Liturgical Year A