"When asked which is the greater commandment, Jesus said unto him. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." ... Matthew 23:37-40
My family recently adopted a dog, the culmination of an unexpected quest that began two months ago. My daughter began doing community service for a Girl Scout Project by working with an animal rescue organization. We were introduced to a group of volunteers who rescue animals about to be exterminated in local pounds. One afternoon's service convinced us that we needed to make room in our family for one of these vulnerable creatures.
I am not surprised when I find God in a garden, but in a Dog? Since the dog has arrived I have been startled by what happens during our walks together. Lonely people who never even waved, now smile and come out to greet us. Cars stop, neighbors hop out, give advice and invite us to use their fenced yard for romps. Children bring samples of their dog's favorite treats. Neighbors congregate around us, lovingly admire our new arrival and wistfully reminisce about animals they have known.
What's happening here? Vulnerable creatures help us reach outside of ourselves, to offer ourselves, to connect with our neighbors, and to glimpse and embrace God's love.
Dear God, thank you for the joys of unexpected love.
Help us to see and return your love. Amen
Contributed by Susan L.
Published Sunday September 26, 2004
Week 44 of Liturgical Year C