>"And God said . . . and let the birds fly above the earth across the expanse of sky." And, Genesis 1:24 "And God said, let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds." ... Genesis 1:20
"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. ... Matthew 3:16
"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit." ... Acts 2: 3-4
One of the undeniable joys of retirement is finally, at long last, to "smell the roses." What a privilege it is to do this every morning as I take a long walk with my faithful pal, Dulcinea, my Black Lab. We enjoy watching deer casually loping across the yards, squirrels playfully chasing each other (except in the fall when they get serious and earnestly go about gathering acorns), Canada geese indignantly asserting themselves and always being loving, protective parents with their goslings. We rejoice in listening to the many, many songbirds joyfully singing their songs --- I even whistle their "tunes" and they sometimes call back! St. Francis of Assisi called birds his "brothers;" and so do I. Our resident red-headed woodpecker cleans out the insects under the bark of our trees, rabbits bound merrily through Margot's flowerbeds, eating many of the blossoms. We love them anyway! Well ... you get the idea; I do enjoy nature. I majored in biology so I get a special "kick" out of observing these fellow creatures. I am pleased I can share space on earth with these wonderful living gifts from God. How much I learn from them.
Take the butterfly, for example. From an egg the size of a pinhead (much smaller than a mustard seed), they grow into larvae (caterpillars), progress to pupae, and then through the process of metamorphosis, become beautiful butterflies that a poet rightly called a "winged flower." How appropriate that we hang a banner depicting butterflies at the Eastertide! A metamorphosis; a Resurrection.
Today is Pentecost, or Whitsunday, --- fifty days after ChristÕs Resurrection --- the festival day when we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit to Christ's disciples. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, "who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified."
Another widely-used image depicting the Holy Spirit is, of course, the dove which appeared at Jesus baptism when "he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him." It is not by accident that God has used these wonderful birds in the sky as relevant "participants" in our Faith.
I am thankful each morning that I might associate with these "avian brothers" along with all of the rest of God's creatures.
"Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who dost feed the birds and clothe the flowers, and who carest for us as a father for his children: Guard us against distrust and anxiety; and help us through thy Holy Spirit, to live to the hallowing of thy Name, the coming of thy kingdom, and the doing of thy will; so that in unwavering faith we may cast all our care upon thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
... Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal. p.232.
Contributed by Jack P.
Published Sunday May 30, 2004
Week 27 of Liturgical Year C