March 21, 2004

"All come from dust, and to dust all return."
Ecclesiastes 3:20b

During our Ash Wednesday service, we were invited to come to the altar for the traditional imposition of ashes. As the image of the cross was traced on our foreheads we heard, "Remember you are dust and to dust you will return." This is a solemn and sobering statement that humbles us and forces us to face our mortality. However, it is also a most consoling statement.

In Genesis 2:7 we are told that, "The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Isn't that a beautiful thought? God, the ultimate potter, created humanity from mere dust . . . the dust He also created.

During Lent it is not unusual to hear people speaking about what they have given up for Lent. I was taught that Lutherans don't "give up something for Lent" but, instead, "take on something for Lent." This year, I have elected to take on the challenge to prayerfully consider the use of the earthly vessel God created when He created man from dust.

Potters create for a purpose. Traditional pots were made to serve needs. In our home, for example, we have family heirlooms of several jars (pots) created to store, carry, and serve milk - a life sustaining and livelihood-producing element of our farm-dependant ancestors. Thinking of myself as a traditional, utilitarian pot created by God, I am asking myself what it is that I have stored and continue to store in my body. Where, and to whom, do I carry what I store? How can I pour out that stored within me to better serve others?

Along my life, my earthly vessel has been chipped and developed some hairline cracks. There will come a day when God decides it is time to smash this pot and return my body to dust. How comforting to know that when I return to dust God will then put me on His potter's wheel again and turn me into my permanent, heavenly shape.

Favorite Hymns
An All Purpose Songbook, page 205
Lord, have Thine own way.
Thou art the potter; I am the clay. Amen

Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Sunday March 21, 2004
Week 17 of Liturgical Year C