August 29, 2004

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation."

Psalm 5: 3

I am a morning person. I get more done in the mornings; I enjoy the freshness that comes after a night's sleep. Thus, when I find examples of "morning things" that have inspired people, I can usually connect to that experience without problem.

For example, now that I am retired, it is a rare day in which I am awake to experience the dawn of a new day. However, the following passage from Hounds of God speaks to me and I remember watching the sun come up as I walked from my car to my office at Educational Testing Service. A quiet peaceful time.

"Dawn, considered for itself, is a very great miracle. But, it is quiet. No trumpets herald it; no lightings accompany it. It simply comes, subtle and unstoppable."
   Judith Tarr

Likewise, when I hear a performance of Ravel's, Morning from Daphnis and Chloe, I am vicariously walking in the woods, seeing the hazy morning sunlight drifting down through the trees, feeling the midst on my turned-up face and enjoying the dewy ground beneath my bare feet.

But, best of all, I can identify with the Palmist and say I too, in the morning, lay my requests before God and wait in expectation.

Lord, thank you for being there for me each morning.

Contributed by Nancy E
Published Sunday August 29, 2004
Week 40 of Liturgical Year C