"I tell you, if these were silent,
the stones would shout out."
Luke 19:40
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, the crowds cheered him. The Pharisees, on the other hand, were annoyed and wanted Jesus to make them be quiet. But Jesus replied that even if the people said nothing, the praises and hosannas would be heard. If you've ever seen the musical, Jesus Christ, Superstar, you'll remember this scene/song:
Tell the rabble to be quiet, we anticipate a riot.
This common crowd is much too loud.
Tell the mob who sing your song that they are fools
and they are wrong.
They are a curse. They should disperse.
Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Hey JC, JC you're alright by me.
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar.
Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?
Nothing can be done to stop the shouting.
If every tongue were still the noise would still continue.
The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing!
Was this perhaps the very first "Rock Concert". And what would those stones sing? Would they tell about other rocks or stones in the Bible?
Stones have power! A stone thrown by a small boy, who would someday be King David, leveled a giant. Stones were used to build altars and King Solomon used stones to build a beautiful temple for people to worship God. Jacob used a stone for a pillow. Moses struck a rock with a rod and water poured forth to quench the thirst of God's people, and a rock was brought for him to sit on when he tired of holding up his arms to keep the Israelites on the winning side against Amalek. Moses also brought the laws of God to the people on tablets of stone, not once, but twice.
After the devil tempted Jesus to turn a stone into bread, the following scriptures tell that the angels would protect Jesus, "lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. "Jesus is also referred to as the "Rock of our Salvation". In another story, Jesus spoke about the wise man who built his house upon a rock (or stone). Peter, who some people think is the one called "the most beloved disciple", was nicknamed "the rock". Stones are the key to building. The stone that was rejected became the cornerstone. (The Person who was rejected became the One on whom the Kingdom was built!)
But stones are also powerless. Saint and sinner alike were stoned to death. The stone which was rolled in front of the tomb could not hold in the Risen Lord on Easter morning.
As you walk around today, find a small stone. Carry it in your pocket or place it where you can see it as you go about your daily routine. Listen to what it has to say to you. Use it as a reminder that the love and blessings of God can never be silenced.
Loving heavenly Father, come into our hearts of stone and make them singing, shouting messengers of the Good News of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Amen
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Sunday April 4, 2004
Week 19 of Liturgical Year C