"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his mercy endures forever."
Psalm 107:1
Autumn is a time to give thanks. A plentiful harvest is gathered from the seeds that were sown. Trees turn into spectacular shades of reds and yellows. The days are shorter; the evenings are longer; and, the nights are cooler. In the fall, school begins anew; and, following the slower pace of summertime, we buckle down to work. Congregational life, too, picks up -- classes resume, worship attendance increases and meetings convene.
God is good; his mercy is everlasting. From him all blessings flow. It is indeed right and proper, therefore, to give him thanks and praise ... "for harvest of sown fields, fruits of the orchard, hay from the mown fields, blossom and wood" (Lutheran Book of Worship, Hymn 409);
For the stunning beauty of the earth -- the marvelous colors of wooded hills and highways, the wonder of changing seasons and the majestic order of day and night;
For school, meaningful work and purposeful play, common hopes and hardships, opportunities to learn, grow and change;
For the Church, the weekly assembly gathered around word and sacrament -- the word that is the bread of life, the bath of baptism that cleanses and renews, the bread and wine that satisfies the hungry heart and quenches the thirst of parched lips -- reformers of the church like Martin Luther, renewers of society like Martin Luther King, Jr., steadfast synodical bishops like Roy Riley, diligent congregational pastors like Dan Whitener and faithful servants of Christ Jesus like the people of Abiding Presence;
For life itself, the journey from cradle to grave that challenges us, the good gift of food that feeds us, the wonderful gift of drink that sustains us, the miracle of medicine that turns sickness into health, the gift of death that grants deliverance from pain and suffering and the blessing of childbirth that brings new life;
For marriage and family, the gift of love and surprise of forgiveness, burdens shared and joys celebrated, tears shed and hearts uplifted;
For children, their endless energy and innate curiosity, their creative play, startling frankness and sudden sympathies;
For the young, their high hopes and noble aspirations, their irreverence toward hypocrisy and haughtiness, their impatience with worn-out ways, their search for freedom and quest for maturity;
For growing up and growing older, wisdom deepened by experience, rest in leisure, meaning in volunteering, hope in the resurrection of the body and blessed assurance of life everlasting.
"Almighty God, gracious, merciful and abounding in steadfast love, for your generous goodness and all your benefits to us, we thank and praise you; for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"
Contributed by Pastor Richard
Published Monday October 27, 2003
Week 48 of Liturgical Year B