= Running in Faith October 5, 2003
October 6, 2003

"Lead me in the path of your commandments,
for I delight in it."

Psalm 119:35

A parishioner in a novel I read recently said that the following was his favorite prayer. "Dear God, help me be the person my dog thinks I am."

Those of you who have pets, know what that means. My dog thinks I'm faithful, kind, and wise. And that's not bad. What else I am, is of no concern to him. He just expects me to be a nice person. And for the right reasons. And so do I.

However, I and the fictitious parishioner, search for the answers beyond that simple outline. How to be faithful, kind and wise in the community of our lives? How to meet our expectations and fulfill the obligations of being a Christian? That is where the work begins.

I'm convinced that if we keep ourselves open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, take the time to ask for God's direction and to listen, each day will reveal the divine will as we deal with the ordinary events in our lives. As simple as that model may be, the journey begins there. I can't judge my own progress but I can rest in God's love and trust along the way.

Dear God, help me be the person you intend me to be. Amen

Contributed by Helen L.
Published Monday October 6, 2003
Week 45 of Liturgical Year B