May 19, 2003

"They grope in the dark without light."
Job 12:25

Busy! Busy! Busy! Do you know anyone who doesn't think they are too busy? And, of course, nobody is really as busy as you. Right?

We all run around trying to do, fix, and solve things constantly. We schedule our lives around these events, sometimes reasonably and many times not. And, we frequently make unreasonable expectations for when others should do their things.

Then there are those overwhelming issues in the news that continually besiege us such as suicide bombings in Israel and Pakistan, threats of biological and nuclear warfare, terrorist attacks, child molesters, West Nile fever, SARS and AIDS. Typically we have no firsthand efforts in resolving things as big as these. But, we all want those who do to get busy and take care of these. Now!

Our lives are stressful! As we scurry around like ants, we certainly can identify with Job's description of people groping in the dark without a light.

During some recent reading, I found solace in a statement written by Edith Pargeter. In her book, "The Heaven Tree Trilogy", she writes: "We're all in the dark together. Wait until God please to clear the sky. You can, you have time."

Lord, as we begin another week, help us to slow down and wait your direction. Thank you for giving us the time to wait for you to clear away the darkness. Amen

Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Monday May 19, 2003
Week 24 of Liturgical Year B