January 6, 2003

"O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
     Psalm 63:1

Your throat is raspy. It feels like sandpaper. You try to swallow, but there's no moisture. THIRST! All of your energies are focused on finding some liquid. Your body is dehydrated. Clear, cool water is the only way to quench that thirst.

Have you ever found yourself alone for hours without water in some remote place? Hikers usually carry a canteen of water to prevent serious thirst on a hike. Sometimes they fill their canteen from a spring only to discover later on that the water was contaminated. That's even more frustrating than thirst-to have water you can't drink. You end up being as thirsty as if there was no water at all.

Physical dehydration and thirst aren't much fun. But there is another type of dryness, its called spiritual dryness.J Have you felt that way: empty, dry, spiritually dull, and even isolated from God. Do you have a spiritual thirst for God? God has been called the "spring of living water" (Jeremiah 2:13). Jesus Christ said that He was the living water. When your thirsty, you need and desire refreshment. That is what the above Psalm is talking about. When you are dry spiritually, how do you quench your thirst? Sometimes people are unaware of the fact they are spiritually dry. Perhaps its time to check the water supply. It's a shame to suffer from thirst when refreshment and replenishment are only a prayer away.

Thank God for the many blessings He has poured into your life, chiefly for having revealed Christ to you as Savior and friend. Amen

Contributed by Melanie H.
Published Monday January 6, 2003
Week 6 of Liturgical Year B