"It is God who said 'Let light shine out of darkness
who has shown in our hearts.'"
2 Corinthians 4:6
The new stained glass windows are a joy to behold. My eyes are instinctively drawn in that direction. The colors and the shapes. The meaning and representation become vivid in my mind. The seasons, the symbols, and the placement surrounding the cross. So lovely.
While I enjoy this reverie, inevitably, I am startled by a hint of motion or a flicker of light from the other side of the window. I am somewhat annoyed. It's probably the shadow of a car on the highway, or reflection of light from a windshield, a passing cloud or moving branches of nearby trees. It disturbs me.
Then I remember, they are windows not walls. Light is part of the experience of the windows. They were designed that way. The same light that brings out the beauty of the windows, also reminds me of the community that surrounds us. The light goes both directions.
We gather strength from the celebration of our faith while we are inside the windows, and are challenged to reflect that light to the outside. The light that streams from the windows shall remind us of our mission as we bear witness to that faith during the rest of the week.
God of light, shine on us that we may reflect
the glory and goodness of your name.
Contributed by Helen L.
Published Monday February 3, 2003
Week 10 of Liturgical Year B