August 18, 2003

"They are joined together constantly in prayer."
Acts 1:14a

As part of our Sunday worship, two times we are asked to join in the "Prayer of the Church". Once it is announced that way in our bulletin and the other time the act is somewhat hidden under the title of "Collect of the Day". I think of the former as the prayer of Abiding Presence Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the latter as the "Prayer of The ELCA Church".

Using the collects gives us the opportunity for ELCA churches to pray collectively. The collect prayer reminds us that the ELCA church is indeed one body. Our prayer rises collectively to heaven from a multitude of ELCA congregations.

When worshiping with other congregations, the "Collect of the Day" connects us with our home congregation. Likewise, when we return to Abiding Presence, we know other Lutherans in places such as Texas, Hawaii, Georgia, Oklahoma, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Mississippi, northern New Jersey, as well as other churches in Mercer County are joining us in a common prayer. At such times, the collect also serves as a reminder of our warm welcome when we worshiped with these other congregations.

On Sundays when the "Lutheran Book of Worship" (green book) is used, we have the opportunity of following along when the Pastor leads us in the "Prayer of The ELCA Church". I find following the prayer visually helps me to better focus on the words of the prayer. It is a habit for me to use the printed collects. If you are not already doing the same thing, I urge you to take the plunge and join me in using the collect section of the hymnal.

The collect section is found on pages 13 through 41 of the green book of worship. These pages serve as the table of contents for our annual worship services. Each collect is under the appropriate heading (i.e., name for that particular Sunday in the church year) and followed by the scriptural readings appointed for the day. You will find this section of the hymnal serves as a little road map to guide through a more meaningful worship service.

Almighty and ever-living God, you have given great and precious promises to those who believe. Grant us the perfect faith which overcomes all doubts, through you Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(LBW Collect for Sunday, August 17, 2003)

Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Monday August 18, 2003
Week 38 of Liturgical Year B