Week of September 2, 2002
Debbie B.
" . . .the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you."
Numbers 6:25
This blessing delights me. Whenever I hear it I can't help but smile. A smile is exactly how this blessing feels to me. Not the "say cheese smile", or the obligatory smile where you turn up your lips in friendly politeness. I'm talking about what I think of as a surprise smile. A smile that comes when you least expect it. A smile that warms you all over. A smile that says, we've connected, maybe because we love each other, or are friends, or maybe just because we both notice that this is a special moment. These smiles seem to just appear. They uncontrollably bubble out of the smiler, their eyes sparkle and crinkle, their faces glow, and that warmth just spreads around to everyone who receives the smile.
This blessing is like that. God shines on us with a crinkle and a sparkle. He says we're connected, and He wants good things for us. He bubbles over with love for us, and He envelops us in His warmth. He comes to us totally undeserved, and unexpected. This blessing is a smile from God.
Dear Lord, Thank you for your smiles. Thank you for the smiles of your people. Help us to be generous, as you are with our smiles, and our blessings. Amen
Contributed by Debra B.
Published Monday September 30, 2002
Week 44 of Liturgical Year A