Week of October 28, 2002
Melanie H.
"And let endurance have its perfect result,
that you may be perfect..."
James 1:4
Consistency - that's what builds a business. That's what gives relationships with others stability and security. Consistency means being steady. You can count on it today and tomorrow. Consistency includes determination, patience, and strength even when the world around you is falling apart.
The Word of God is our guide for this character quality: "Be prepared in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2); "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" (Galatians 6:9); "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
Jesus is with us. He never changes, and His love for you is unchanging. How's the level of consistency in our lives?
One last thought: A consistent witness for Christ also goes a long way in drawing others to Him.
Pray that God may increase your love
for doing His will in word and deed. Amen
Contributed by Melanie H.
Published Monday October 28, 2002
Week 48 of Liturgical Year A