Week of October 21, 2002
Ken T.

"Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it."

Psalm 37

I recently heard a sermon on the topic of commitment. There were many salient points included in the pastor's comments about the challenge of accepting a commitment to serve the Lord. It is obvious that we are faced on a daily basis with making commitments of many different types. We make commitments to complete numerous tasks that are work related and/or part of daily living responsibilities. We have a responsibility to ourselves, to family, and to others to abide by our commitments. If we don't carry out these types of commitments, different levels of chaos will result. It is relatively easy to observe what happens when we fail to keep our secular commitments. Even though it might not be as easily observable, we need to examine more carefully what happens when we fail to keep our commitment to serve the Lord.

Making a commitment in our church life certainly determines the well being and vitality of a congregation. As the body of Christ we depend on each other for strength and support. Think how people are negatively affected when even one person fails to follow through with his or her commitment. Perhaps the commitment is to complete a task or to provide support for some program or activity. When this commitment isn't accomplished, the effectiveness of a program is diminished. Perhaps someone will not have a need provided, or the Word will fail to reach an unchurched person, or a youth member will drift away from the church, or some aspect of the ministry of the church will be reduced or neglected.

Why are commitments so important to each of us? First of all, our commitments are the best indicators we have of our values. No one can serve two masters -- (Matthew 6:24). We need to remember that the commitments we make reveal our values. Secondly, our commitments shape our character. When we commit to serving the Lord our character is being shaped. My parents certainly demonstrated this to me throughout their lives. Not only did their commitment guide the Christian life they lived, but their commitment was an important factor in shaping my character as I grew from infancy to adulthood. We need to remember that our commitments are influential in shaping the character of others. Finally, our commitments determine our future. This certainly highlights the importance of the commitments we make.

Lord, we ask for the wisdom we need to make our commitments. We need your guidance in making commitments that will shape our character and provide comfort and assistance to others. We trust in You to help us keep our commitments. Amen.

Contributed by Kenneth T.
Published Monday October 21, 2002
Week 47 of Liturgical Year A