Week of October 14, 2002
Rosemary S.
".. but we shall all be changed, in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye."
1st Corinthians 15:51-52
Each year, we hear those words when we listen to the beautiful music of Handel's Messiah.
It has been said, "The only one who really likes changes is a wet baby", yet all life consists of changes. Some are gradual -- we grow up, the kids grow up. Others, like a telephone call in the middle of the night, a downsizing of your company, or a heartbreaking diagnosis from a doctor, can be swift. Some changes are joyful, others are tragic. In her book, "Life is Hello, Life is Goodbye", Alla Bozarth-Campbell (one of the first 12 women ordained by the Episcopal Church) says that change, both pleasant and dreadful, causes stress. And we all have a lot of stress in our lives.
Last weekend, Pr. Susan Nagle gave the keynote address at the NJ Women of the ELCA convention. She told us that there are 365 citations in the Bible telling us not to be afraid. Wouldn't that make a wonderful calendar? (Take note, Hallmark!) God tells us that he is with us through it all -- in good times and bad, through all kinds of anxiety and pain. Remember the "Footprints" poem that was popular a few years ago? There were times when the writer said he could only see one set of footprints in the sand. "Where were you then?", he asks. "My child", comes the response, "when you saw only one set of footprints, that is when I was carrying you." We all have times when we need to give over our worries, or strain, to Jesus. Let us remember that Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you, even unto the end of the world.
We will soon be entering the season of Advent, the time of promise and expectation and hope. We will sing the ancient hymn, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". Emmanuel means, "God with us", the perfect theme for this time of strain and anxiety in our lives and in our world. May we remember this focus in our daily prayers.
Dear God, help me to remember that you are always with me. Let me lay my cares on you, and look to you for strength in time of change and fear. "O come, O come, Emmanuel!" Amen
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Monday October 14, 2002
Week 46 of Liturgical Year A