Week of November 4, 2002
Helen L.
"I was glad when they said to me,
'Let us go to the house of the Lord.' "
Psalm 122:1
I usually attend the Saturday evening worship service. It fits my life style. The dress code is a bit casual, so I'm not embarrassed to come in my work clothes. (Yes, retired people have work clothes.) The service is shorter, so it's OK to leave my dog in the car. (He's happy to ward off intruders for a little while.) But primarily, as I enter the sanctuary, I know this a wonderful way to end the week. I come with reflection on the week past. I see Gods work in recent events that may have gone unnoticed except that I take this time to focus. With thanks, praise and wonder.
At the Sunday service, I approach the sanctuary looking for direction and guidance for the weeks ahead. What a wonderful way to begin the week. The view is different, but with the same thanks, praises and wonders.
Haven't we all looked with awe at a scenic mountain or stream or seashore, and returned later to view it from another angle, and see the same but more. And so it is with worship. From wherever we are, looking back or forward, the faith of our fathers is there to guide us.
May we take the time to reflect on your works, and be thankful for the opportunity to worship in the house of our Lord. Amen
Contributed by Helen L.
Published Monday November 4, 2002
Week 49 of Liturgical Year A