Week of March 4, 2002
Helen L.

"Into thine hand I commit my spirit."
Psalm 31:5

I was away from the church for a while. Quite awhile. For the usual reasons. Who has time; money; church was too far away, services were at the wrong time of day, no programs for the children, fussy about proper dress, and my professional life was demanding. Balancing family and career and wifehood and motherhood and family hood and community-hood was tough. So who has time for church?

So after years of loyal attendance and service, a Lutheran college education, and a long history of family involvement in the church...it suddenly became irrelevant. I can do just fine without all that work thank you.

Spirituality is a lot of work, and with no guarantee of success. Yet like all hard work, it delivers a payoff that the quick and easy seldom can -- or so grandparents and great-grandparents insisted. They knew that even if they never found it, the strenuous search for God's love within himself or herself was worthy. Hard work is the point.

So the church drew me back again; and I needed only to step inside once more, to realize I had returned to a place where even if only for that time, all things were possible. The grace of God was there even without asking. And I didn't need to explain my absence.

Transfixed in the church that day, I knew why I had been pulled back. For a few moments each week, everything makes sense. For a few moments each week, I push myself to forgive the unforgivable, embrace those I would scorn, to locate a better, more generous me.

What a relief and what an opportunity to grow again in God's grace and work towards the same Christian goals my ancestors searched for with such fervor -- and that again resonate in me.

Now the work begins.

Dear Lord, we thank you for our opportunities and your blessings. May you continue to love us, and lead us the rest of the way. Amen

Contributed by Helen L.
Published Monday March 4, 2002
Week 14 of Liturgical Year A