Week of June 17, 2002
Pastor Tracie

"Jesus said to the twelve,
'As you go, proclaim the good news,
the kingdom of heaven has come near.' "

Matthew 10:7

This verse was part of the Gospel reading for this past Sunday. It is in the instructions that Jesus gives to the twelve apostles whom he sends out in his name. In fact, it seems to be the central mission that they have: Proclaim the good news, the kingdom of heaven has come near!

As Jesus' disciples, we are charged with the same mission -- proclaim the good news. In this time when many of us go away or go out to different places, I hear Jesus' words ring loud and clear, "When you go out, proclaim the good news." I hear it when I am in the car with my children heading for grandparents' houses. I hear it when I am preparing to travel to Namibia, Africa. I hear it when I am sitting by the pool with neighbors. I hear it when I am working with congregations in the NJ Synod. I hear it when I am having conversation with a friend who is struggling with life. And I wonder if I am fulfilling this calling; am I proclaiming the good news by what I say and do in the places I find myself each day.

But there is more to Jesus' words than just command to share the good news. For in his words to the apostles, and to us, there is a sense that the good news we have to share is the same good news that has come near to us. We have experienced the kingdom of heaven near to us. We have received Jesus' life-giving words in our own lives. We live as children of God, claimed and redeemed by Jesus himself. We proclaim what we know -- the kingdom of heaven has come near, in the very person of Jesus the Christ.

So we do go out and proclaim, but we also receive and hear that proclamation ourselves. The kingdom of heaven comes near to us in our proclamation and in our failure to proclaim. The kingdom of heaven comes near to us in the voice of a family member or friend. The kingdom of heaven comes near to us in the embrace of a loved one or the smile of a stranger. The kingdom of heaven comes near to us in the bread and wine of a common meal and the prayers of a gathered people.

Let us rejoice this week in the ways we experience the good news we are called to proclaim.

Let us pray... Thank you Jesus for calling us to be your disciples in the world. Help us to see the places where you are near to us. Strengthen us in our proclamation of your good news for all the world. Give us courage to speak and do those things which bring you glory. Protect all who travel and bring home safely those whose journeys have ended. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Tracie
Published Monday June 17, 2002
Week 29 of Liturgical Year A